LP Hero engagement ladder concept

This is an initiative that did not make out of the planning phase while serving as Affiliate Development Specialist at the LNC, however it still seems intriguing to me.

The goal of an “LP Hero” scheme is to provide a “trail map” (engagement ladder) for what supporters can do when supporting the LP. The essence of it is to give clear direction to members to escalate their involvement and maximize their “Libertarian Potential”. This would use gamification to reward people with status and recognition.

The social aspect and personal nature of community organizing at the county level cannot be understated. An organization should aim to introduce a new member to 3 other members. Most engaged members of LP have a social life gravitate around the LP. Even if not doing LP activities they are still social with Libertarians and therefore they always have a pathway to re-engage.

Why does this matter?

“Stickiness” to improve member retention and reduce the cost associated with churn.

What is “Libertarian Potential”? Defined it is the maximum level they could reach on the engagement ladder based on their interest and motivation. How much “sweat equity” someone would be willing to put in?

What does this look like? Here is an example engagement ladder. Each are key milestones in their LP Hero journey. Each milestone will outline what steps they can take to achieve that level. 

  • Supporter – Votes L. Is registered L if the state has party registration.
  • Subscriber – Follows LP messaging. Subscribes to emails; follows on social media. Libertarian-curious potentially.
  • Member – Pays Member Dues
  • Advocate – Recruits others members.
  • Super Advocate – Recruits lots of members. 
  • Organizer – works collectively with others in LP. This could be a county affiliate path, social media team path, graphic design for liberty, a national / state committee, etc.
  • Super Organizer – organizing point person. A leader of an organizing group. e.g. County Affiliate Chair, Social Media Team Director, Committee Chair, etc. 
  • Choice Candidate – Are those who will not actively campaign, but are placing their name on the ballot to offer voters a choice.
  • Informational Candidate – Are looking to inform and educate voters on specific Libertarian solutions to the challenges they face. They participate in debates and other marketing and PR channels, but do not have an active field campaign.
  • Challenge Candidate – Intensive campaign with lots of volunteers and full-time candidate.

The effort to enhance members’ engagement is continual. By better converting new members into doers you build an a stronger support base that is needed for a stronger grassroots presence and not simply stopping at a dues-paying member.

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– Dan Fishman, Former Executive Director at the Libertarian National Committee


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